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Ackrediterade standarder


BS 6744:2023

Stainless steel bars – Reinforcement of concrete –Requirements and test methods

LVS 191-1:2012

Steel for reinforcement of concrete- Part 1: Weldable and non-weldable bars, coils and de-coiled products- Specification and evaluation of conformity

NS 3576-1:2005       

Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Dimensions and properties - Part 1: Ribbed bars B500NA

NS 3576–2:2012

Steels for reinforcement of concrete - Dimensions and properties - Part 2: Ribbed steel B500NB

NS 3576 – 3:2012

Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Dimensions and properties - Part 3: Ribbed steel B500NC

NS 3576 – 4:2005

Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Dimensions and properties - Part 4: Welded fabric

SFS 1200:1999

Reinforcement steels for concrete structures. Grades, designation and marking

SFS 1201:1997

Steels and units for concrete reinforcement. Attestation of conformity. Requirements and testing


SFS 1215:1996

Reinforcing steels. Weldable hot rolled ribbed steel bars A500HW

SFS 1216:1998

Reinforced steels. Weldable hot rolled ribbed steel bars A700Hw

SFS 1257:1996

Reinforcing steels. Cold worked ribbed steel bars B500K

SFS 1267:2008

Units for concrete reinforcement. Units used in reinforced concrete structures

SS-EN 10080:2005 

Steel for the reinforecement of concrete - Weldable reinforcing steel - General

SS 212540:2014

Product specification for SS-EN 10080:2005 - Steel for the reinforecement of concrete - Weldable reinforcing steel - Technical delivery conditions for bars, coils, welded fabric and lattice girders

SS 212545:2016

Reinforcing steel – Corrosion resistant reinforcing steel –Technical requirements for bars, coils, welded fabric and lattice

girders in stainless steel


ASTM A416/A416M-18

Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for Prestressed Concrete

ASTM  A910/A910M-18

Standard Specification for Uncoated, Weldless, 2- and 3-Wire Steel Strand for Prestressed Concrete1

BS 5896:2012

High tensile steel wire and strand for the prestressing of concrete. Specification

FprEN 10138-1:2009

Prestressing steels - Part 1: General requirements

FprEN 10138-2:2009

Prestressing steels - Part 2: Wire

FprEN 10138-3:2009

Prestressing steels - Part 3: Strand

FprEN 10138-4:2009

Prestressing steels - Part 4: Bar

prEN 10138-1:2006

WHITE DRAFT. Prestressing steels - Part 1: General requirements

prEN 10138-2:2006

WHITE DRAFT. Prestressing steels - Part 2: Wire

prEN 10138-3:2006

WHITE DRAFT. Prestressing steels - Part 3: Strand

prEN 10138-4:2005

WHITE DRAFT. Prestressing steels - Part 4: Bar

SFS 1265:1-2014

Prestressing steels. Part 1. General requirements

SFS 1265:3-2014

Prestressing steels. Part 3: STRAND

SS 212551:2013

Prestressing steels – General requirements

SS 212552:2013

Prestressing steels – Wire

SS 212553:2013

Prestressing steels – Strand

SS 212554:2013

Prestressing steels – Bar


SS-EN ISO 17660-1:2006

Welding – Welding of reinforcing steel – Part 1: Load-bearing welded joints

SS-EN ISO 17660-2:2006

Welding – Welding of reinforcing steel – Part 2: Non load-bearing welded joints

Som underlag för certifiering enligt ovanstående standarder gäller utöver GlobeCert AB:s certifieringsregler, respektive standards, BRO 2004 del. 4 (avs. 43.6) och EC2 som kravspecifikation.

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