GlobeCert AB:s laboratorium is accredited by the standard SS-EN ISO 17025:2018.
The testing are carried out with state-of-the-art equipment consisting of tensile testing machines of 100 kN and 1000 kN, an optical rib measurment machine and two bending test machines that can handle up to 50 mm, for PC wires we also perform relaxation testing up to 1000 hours. Our ambition is to meet the customer's wishes in the best possible way and therefore we perform the tests in a quick and efficient manner.
Strength testing
Test methods
SS-EN ISO 15630-1:2019
Steel for reinforcement and prestressing of concrete. Bars, Wire Rod and Wire
SS-EN ISO 15630.2:2019
Steel for reinforcement and prestressing of concrete. Welded fabric
SS-EN ISO 15630-3:2019
Steel for reinforcement and prestressing of concrete. Prestressing Steel
SS-EN ISO 6892-1:2016
Metallic materials – Tensile testing – Part1: Testmethod at room temperature

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